Thanking Anti-Federalists on Constitution Day

Thanking Anti-Federalists on Constitution Day

The Anti-Federalists played a larger role in framing the Government of the United States than most people realize.

Constitution Day

Every September 17th Americans celebrate Constitution Day.

While it is important to remember the framers of a document that has governed a vast section of North America for almost 250 years, it is also necessary to reflect on the people who actively opposed ratification of the Constitution.

These writers, known today as the Anti-Federalists, had arguably as large an impact on the foundation of American Government as the men who sat at the Constitutional Convention through the Summer of 1787.


While acknowledging the Anti-Federalists on Constitution Day might sound counterintuitive, the truth is they helped create what many consider the most significant part of the Constitution...the Bill of Rights.

It is easy to forget that the freedoms Americans cherish were largely left out of the original Constitution. 

If not for the vocal protestations of the Anti-Federalists, the Constitution’s authors would not have added the first 10 Amendments and the United States would be a very different place.

The Bill of Rights

Reflect for a moment and you will notice that most references to our rights in modern conversations are not regarding the Constitution itself, but the Bill of Rights.

Free speech, speedy and public trials, the right to face accusers, bearing arms and the like are not natural rights, they are constitutional rights.

These freedoms are given to the people explicitly by the Government, and without the Anti-Federalists they may never have been given at all.

Here are some more articles about the CREATION OF THE CONSTITUTION:

An Incredibly Brief Overview of the Ratification of the Constitution

Did the Constitutional Convention Overstep its Instructions?

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