The Adventures of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton

The Adventures of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton

Today’s article is very special, as it is the first time I’ve had a guest author write about a Founder.

Jessie Serfilippi is a tour guide and researcher at the Schuyler Mansion in Albany, NY and has a wealth of knowledge regarding everything Schuyler Family.

I’m sure you will appreciate her contribution today as much as I do…and if you find yourself travelling through Albany you MUST stop in the Mansion and take the tour.

You can read the Schuyler Mansion blog here and follow them on Facebook or Twitter.

Eliza Schuyler

Elizabeth “Eliza” Schuyler Hamilton is now one of the most famous figures in American history, yet few know about the adventurous side of her personality.

Scaling the Falls

In August of 1775, when Eliza was eighteen, Tench Tilghman visited her at the Schuyler Mansion in Albany, NY. Tench recorded in his journal that he, Eliza, and some of their Albany friends went to the Cohoes Falls.

Descending the hills surrounding the Falls was no easy feat.

Tench, who helped Miss Lynch navigate the journey down the hill with great difficulty, recalled Eliza merrily and easily making the same trek on her own, which shocked and worried the others in their party.

The Wilds of Wisconsin

Eliza’s adventurous spirit long outlasted her youth. When Eliza was eighty, she and her daughter journeyed to Wisconsin to visit Eliza’s son, William.

The family she stayed with during that visit remembered how active she was. They specifically recalled Eliza taking a walk on her own every morning. Eliza always returned with dewy clothes and wildflowers in hand, perfectly happy.

When Eliza’s daughter expressed her worries about her mother taking these walks unattended, Eliza told her she had to do so as it was her pleasure.

Want to read about more Founding Mothers?

Check out these articles:

The Changing Names of Mary Jefferson

Elizabeth Lewis Stands Confidently Against the British

Martha Bratton - Explosions, Death Threats and Huck’s Defeat

Jessie was nice enough to recommend a book for us today.

‘From Slaves to Soldiers’ has nothing to do with Eliza Schuyler…but it is extraordinarily interesting. This book recounts the tale of Rhode Island’s regiment which was comprised of Black Patriots and Native Americans. It is an important book that should be read by anyone curious about race in society during the Revolutionary War.

If you’d like a copy you can get one through the Amazon affiliate link below (you’ll support this site, but don’t worry, Amazon pays me while your price stays the same).

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