Nathaniel Scudder - The Doctor Who Died in Battle

Nathaniel Scudder - The Doctor Who Died in Battle

A Man of Many Trades

At the outbreak of the American Revolution Dr. Nathaniel Scudder was a prominent physician in Monmouth, New Jersey.

He began working for the Committee of Correspondence AND as a lieutenant colonel in the Continental Army.

Scudder spent significant time in the field, including leading men at the Battle of Monmouth Courthouse.

Somehow, he found time to attend the Continental Congress.  This is when he became a signer of the Articles of Confederation.

Scudder’s efforts led to New Jersey’s ratification of the Articles, giving the United States its first government.

Killed in Battle

In late 1781, as the Battle of Yorktown was concluding the war, Dr. Scudder led his militia in a minor skirmish in New Jersey.

He was shot and killed in this confrontation.

Nathaniel Scudder became the only active member of the Continental Congress who was killed in action.  He was also the final colonel to be killed in the war.

This doctor saved lives before the revolution, then gave his life during it.  He was a hero in war and a delegate in Congress.

Nathaniel Scudder helped foster independence from Britain and set America on the path to government.

He put his life on hold in every way for his country.  Nathaniel Scudder is the definition of American Patriot.

There is not a lot of information out there about Nathaniel Scudder, but here are some books on Amazon about Revolutionary New Jersey:

Thomas Heyward Jr. - Songwriting Prisoner

Thomas Heyward Jr. - Songwriting Prisoner

Elbridge Gerry - More Than Just Gerrymandering

Elbridge Gerry - More Than Just Gerrymandering